LED Pixel Display


What if instead of putting up signs on your dormroom window, you had a giant (5ft x 2.5ft) LED display to blast dorm pride to everyone 24/7? We pondered this question and then decided to build said display.

Our display ended up with 300 pixels and drew over 250 watts at peak brightness. We were able to display text, and even play snake and pong from our phones.

Design considerations:

  1. Control: Raspberry pi with a webserver running python to control the display
  2. Power Draw: We had to get a dedicated power supply that had special output in order to keep the raspberry pi alive when there was a power draw spike (otherwise it would crash)
  3. Physical Support: It was ~4 inches thick when completed and had to be held in place by 2x4s

Finished Contruction Photo:

Displaying Text:

Playing Snake:

Current Status:

Currently, the board is at a friends house waiting to get used again

All content on this page belongs to Zachary Porter. You may use, reproduce, or modify anything from this website, provided that you give credit to zackporter.com in your usage.