Rust Pathfinding Experiment

Source Code


For this project, I was interested in learning more about the popular programming language Rust, and practicing an implementation of A*. In order to accomplish this, I decided to create a fun little "dungeon" like generator and lots of little people who have little tasks. These people cannot be in the same tile as another person, cannot pathfind through walls, and must ensure that they do not walk over another person's destination. The resulting code was surprisingly efficient and was able to run upwards of 150 A* calculatons for the individual players on a 200x200 grid 30+ times per second.

Single individual pathfinding to their tasks:

30 individuals pathfinding to their tasks:

150 individuals pathfinding to their tasks:


As always, my source code is linked via the small icon in the top right corner, however, if you missed it, the link is: here

All content on this page belongs to Zachary Porter. You may use, reproduce, or modify anything from this website, provided that you give credit to in your usage.